Travel back in time and be dazzled by the architecture of these palaces.
Palacio Paz. One of the hidden and unmissable gems of Buenos Aires. A magical walk. Av. Santa Fe 760, Retiro. Telephone: +5411 5365 8610. For guided tours: reservaspalaciopaz@gmail.com.
Palacio Errázuriz.The palace was restored as a house-museum. Today the National Museum of Decorative Art operates there. Its structure refers to the beautiful era of refined Paris. Av. del Libertador 1902, Barrio Norte. Telephone: +5411 4801 8248. Free entry.
El Hipódromo de Palermo, el Palacio Hípico de Buenos Aires. Opened in 1876, in French neoclassical style. Its Official Tribune and the Restaurant La Paris were declared Architectural Heritage of the City. The most important race track in Latin America is located. It has a variety of gastronomic offerings. Free entry. Del Libertador 4101, Palermo.
Palacio Duhau. Building from 1930 in French neoclassical style. Today it works as a 5-star hotel where you can enjoy its gastronomic service and its impressive gardens. Av. Alvear 1661, Recoleta. Telephone: +5411 5171 1234.
Palacio San Martín. It constitutes a testimony of the history of our country. Construction began in 1909 and was inaugurated commemorating the centenary of the declaration of Argentine Independence. The Anchorena family lived there until 1936, when the palace was acquired by the Argentine government. It is currently the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Arenales 761, Retiro.
For visits, book an appointment at: https://turnos-palacio.mrecic.gov.ar/home/turnos/palacio
Palacio Barolo. Inaugurated in 1923. The palace makes reference to and pays homage to Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. With a unique architectural style with traces of European architectural tradition. It was declared a National Historical Monument in 1997. Av. de Mayo 1370, Monserrat.
For guided tours: https://palaciobarolo.com.ar/visitas-guiadas/